get directory mtime in unix time

In scripts when you need to compare last modification date of directories, you can get the date using stat in a unix timestamp or seconds from the Epoch:

# stat -c '%Z' /usr/local/sbin

Using date you can get the same format like this:

# date +%s

You could use this in a script to do something if a directory is older or newer than some amount of time:

# AUTHOR: ForDoDone <fordodone at>
# DATE: 2013-07-12
# NOTES: syncs /usr/local/sbin to hostxyz if it's been modified in the last 5 minutes

now=`date +%s`

uls_lastmtime=`stat -c '%Z' /usr/local/sbin`

uls_diff=$(echo $now - $uls_lastmtime |bc)

if [ $uls_diff -lt 300 ]
  rsync -a /usr/local/sbin/ hostxyz:/usr/local/sbin

Of course rsync has a bunch of options to check whether it needs to do an update of files, this is just an example.

check if a directory is a nfs mount

Use stat to display the file system status, following links, and output the format as the human readable file system type:

#stat -f -L -c %T /tmp
# stat -f -L -c %T /mnt/fileserver/volume

As suspected “/tmp” is a regular ext file system, but the path “/mnt/fileserver/volume” is an nfs mount. What happens if we unmount the nfs mount:

# umount /mnt/fileserver/volume
# stat -f -L -c %T /mnt/fileserver/volume

It reports properly that the directory is just an unmounted directory in a regular ext file system.

Alternatively you can use the mountpoint command:

# mountpoint /tmp
/tmp is not a mountpoint
# mountpoint /mnt/adfs40/vol1
/mnt/adfs40/vol1 is a mountpoint
# umount /mnt/fileserver/volume
# mountpoint /mnt/adfs40/vol1
/mnt/adfs40/vol1 is not a mountpoint