make Makefile target for help or usage options

Using make and Makefiles with a docker based application development strategy are a great way to track shortcuts and allow team members to easily run common docker or application tasks without having to remember the syntax specifics. Without a “default” target make will attempt to run the first target (the default goal). This may be desirable in some cases, but I find it useful to have make just print out a usage, and require the operator to specify the exact target they need.

DE=docker-compose exec app

.PHONY: help
  @sh -c "echo ; echo 'usage: make <target> ' ; cat Makefile | grep ^[a-z] | sed -e 's/^/            /' -e 's/://' -e 's/help/help (this message)/'; echo"

  $(DC) up -d

  $(DC) stop

  $(DC) rm -v

  $(DC) ps

  $(DC) logs

  $(DE) sh -c "vendor/bin/phpunit"

Now without any arguments make outputs a nice little usage message:

$ make 

usage: make <target> 
            help (this message) 

This assumes a bunch of things like you must be calling make from the correct directory, but is a good working proof of concept.

use tmpfs for docker images

For i/o intensive Docker builds, you may want to configure Docker to use memory backed storage for images and containers. Ephemeral storage has several applications, but in this case our Docker engine is on a temporary EC2 spot instance and participating in a continuous delivery pipeline. In other words, it’s ok to loose the instance and all of the Docker images it has on it. This is for a systemd based system, in this case Ubuntu 16.04.

Create the tmpfs, then reconfigure the Docker systemd unit to use it:

mkdir /mnt/docker-tmp
mount -t tmpfs -o size=25G tmpfs /mnt/docker-tmp
sed -i 's|/mnt/docker|/mnt/docker-tmp|' /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/docker-startup.conf
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart docker

This could be part of a bootstrapping script for build instances, or more effectively translated into config management or rolled into an AMI.