percentile apache server request response times

I needed a hack to quickly find the 95th percentile of apache request response times. For example I needed to be able to say that “95% of our apache requests are served in X milliseconds or less.” In the apache2 config the LogFormat directive had %D (the time taken to serve the request, in microseconds) as the last field. Meaning the last field of each log line would be the time it took to serve the request. This would make it easy to pull out with $NF in awk

# PCT=.95; NR=`cat access.log | wc -l `; cat /var/log/apache2/access.log | awk '{print $NF}' | sort -rn | tail -n+$(echo "$NR-($NR*$PCT)" |bc | cut -d. -f1) |head -1

In this case 95% of the apache requests were served in 938 milliseconds or less (WTF?!). Then run on an aggregated group of logs, or change the date/time range to just run for logs on a particular day, or for multiple time periods.

Note: I couldn’t get scale to work here in bc for some reason.

bash random number generator using seq and sort

Create the sequence between 0 and 9 and then do a random sort and get the first one.

# seq 0 9 | sort -R | head -1

You can count up the instances of each one and see the distribution looks normal to a human.

# for i in `seq 1 100000`; do seq 0 9 | sort -R | head -1 >> /tmp/rando; done;

# cat /tmp/rando | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -nk2
   9896 0
  10140 1
   9928 2
   9975 3
   9929 4
  10129 5
   9951 6
  10007 7
   9882 8
  10163 9

TODO: test with chi-square? the -R flag can’t be truly random?

count character occurrence rates in filenames

find all the files in a directory. Take out the first dot . put in by find. Remove slashes (can’t be a character in a filename). Use fold -w 1 (–width) the width option limits column output to 1 character, which puts each character on it’s own line. Don’t count spaces (we don’t care about them). Sort the output, count how many occurrences of each character happened. Sort output by least to most occurrences of characters.

find . -type f | sed -e 's/\.//' -e 's/\// /g' | fold -w 1 | grep -v '^ $' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nk1
      1 '
      7 ^
     22 ,
     29 (
     29 )
     40 #
     51 =
     72 ~
    214 @
    312 :
    672 Y
   1141 +
   1217 J
   1497 Z
   2813 G
   3696 U
   3727 H
   5168 O
   5654 N
   5700 X
   5721 K
  10185 R
  10590 W
  11414 F
  12412 A
  13114 E
  13424 C
  13904 z
  15369 Q
  15698 j
  18746 I
  20582 S
  30232 M
  39547 q
  44301 B
  44946 P
  54675 7
  74749 9
  74777 L
  78077 T
  83720 8
  86739 D
  87151 4
  92824 k
  93168 y
  94261 5
  96495 w
 105734 V
 135527 6
 193306 f
 215943 0
 239003 g
 274810 3
 284082 v
 291777 1
 305769 h
 329499 _
 353852 2
 397075 b
 493086 m
 513388 p
 523439 d
 539160 x
 654812 -
 697485 l
 717868 a
 728134 n
 843460 t
 862742 u
 883640 .
1059771 i
1060749 c
1109991 o
1227620 r
1326244 s
1440326 e

sort nested directories by last modified using find

Using ls -lt to sort a file listing by last modified time is simple and easy. If you have a large directory tree with tens of thousands of directories, using find with some massaging might be the way to go. In this example there is a directory with many directories in a tree like this:


we are interested in the 3rd level directory and getting a list of which ones were most recently modified

# find . -mindepth 3 -maxdepth 3 -ls | awk '$10 !~ /^20[01]/' | sed -e 's/:/ /' | sort -k8,8M -nk9,9n -nk10 -nk11 | awk '{print $12" "$8" "$9" "$10":"$11}'| column -t | tail -10

We start by finding only 3rd level directories with extended listings (there are no files at this level, so -type d is unnecessary). Then use awk to only print directories that have been modified this year (i.e. anything with a year like 200* or 201* instead of a hour:minute in column 10). Replace the time colon HH:MM so that we can sort by minute after we sort by hour. Then rearrange the columns, add back the hour:minute colon, run it through column to get nice columns, then get the last 10 results.

./586/1586/1311586  Sep  16  16:11
./980/6980/2326980  Sep  16  16:18
./616/3616/513616   Sep  16  16:20
./133/9133/2119133  Sep  16  16:21
./422/6422/2106422  Sep  16  16:24
./566/6566/2326566  Sep  16  16:46
./672/672/2310672   Sep  16  16:51
./680/680/2290680   Sep  16  17:42
./573/5573/2325573  Sep  16  17:47
./106/1106/2321106  Sep  16  17:49

find music directories

I was recently handed an old Windows laptop, and told “It is broken so I know you can put it to use, and if you get my music off of it that would be awesome.” Right away I knew I had a great chance of recovering everything from the hard drive.

I took the hard drive out of the laptop and plugged it into my workstation via a SATA to USB converter. It showed right up and I mounted the partition that I thought would be the windows partition:

# ls
autoexec.bat  config.sys  doctemp                 found.000  found.003     MSOCache     pagefile.sys  ProgramData       Program Files              Users
Boot          DELL        Documents and Settings  found.001  hiberfil.sys  newfile.enc  pending.un    ProgramData.LOG1  $Recycle.Bin               Windows
bootmgr       dell.sdr    Drivers                 found.002  Intel         newkey       PerfLogs      ProgramData.LOG2  System Volume Information

Well, that looks familiar. Then went into the person’s user directory and did this:

# find . -type f -name '*.m4a' -o -name '*.mp3' -ls > ~/music_file_list

I could have been more thorough and looked for more file extensions (acc,m4u, etc.), but I figured iTunes would just put every music file in the same folder. The resultant file looked like this:

# tail music_file_list
 82837 9632 -rw-------   2 fordodone fordodone  9861791 Sep 16  2008 ./Users/laptop/Music/iTunes/Alanis\ Morissette\ -\ Jagged\ Little\ Pi\ 12.mp3
   307 27696 -rw-------   2 fordodone fordodone 28357414 Oct 22  2008 ./Users/laptop/Searches/Documents/3L\ First\ Semester/Energy/dem\ now.mp3
 53814 4856 -rw-------   2 fordodone fordodone  4972361 Feb 17  2007 ./Users/laptop/Searches/Documents/Old\ Computer/My\ Music/01\ Bouncing\ Around\ The\ Room.mp3
 53817 6116 -rw-------   2 fordodone fordodone  6259086 Feb 17  2007 ./Users/laptop/Searches/Documents/Old\ Computer/My\ Music/01\ Come\ Together.mp3
 53834 8132 -rw-------   2 fordodone fordodone  8325962 Feb 17  2007 ./Users/laptop/Searches/Documents/Old\ Computer/My\ Music/01\ Funky\ Bitch.mp3
 53962 31512 -rw-------   2 fordodone fordodone 32266213 Dec 21  2004 ./Users/laptop/Searches/Documents/Old\ Computer/My\ Music/01\ Inflate-_Barnacles.mp3
 53975 4424 -rw-------   2 fordodone fordodone  4527885 Feb 17  2007 ./Users/laptop/Searches/Documents/Old\ Computer/My\ Music/01\ Julius.mp3
 53979 12288 -rw-------   2 fordodone fordodone 12579091 Apr  1  2002 ./Users/laptop/Searches/Documents/Old\ Computer/My\ Music/01\ Mike's\ Song.mp3
 54019 8476 -rw-------   2 fordodone fordodone  8677963 Mar 31  2002 ./Users/laptop/Searches/Documents/Old\ Computer/My\ Music/01\ Vultures.mp3
 54028 6004 -rw-------   2 fordodone fordodone  6146289 Feb 17  2007 ./Users/laptop/Searches/Documents/Old\ Computer/My\ Music/01\ Wilson.mp3

Now the goal was to get a list of unique directories in which music could be found. I would then take that list and rsync those directories to a local hard drive. Since the music files could be located at any unpredictable level in the tree, and I only wanted the directory listing I did this:

# cat music_file_list | cut -d / -f 2- | rev | cut -d / -f 2- | rev | sort | uniq -c
    926 Users/laptop/Music/iTunes
     27 Users/laptop/Music/iTunes/iTunes\ Music/Podcasts/GreenBiz\ Radio
     10 Users/laptop/Music/iTunes/iTunes\ Music/Podcasts/NPR_\ Planet\ Money\ Podcast
     51 Users/laptop/Music/iTunes/iTunes\ Music/Podcasts/This\ American\ Life
      4 Users/laptop/Music/iTunes/iTunes\ Music/Podcasts/WNYC's\ Radiolab
      2 Users/laptop/Music/iTunes/iTunes\ Music/Smeal\ College\ of\ Business/Wall\ Street\ Bootcamp\ Series
      1 Users/laptop/Searches/Documents/3L\ First\ Semester/Energy
      8 Users/laptop/Searches/Documents/Old\ Computer/My\ Music

That gave me the list I was looking for and how many mp3 and m4a files were in each unique directory. I’ll probably skip the Podcasts, and just recover the rest. It looks like this will be about 30G of files, so I will probably use to upload and share this amount of data.

TODO: revisit this exercise with awk.

get current client IP addresses from web farm

To see what common IPs are connecting to your web farm, ssh to all of the servers and get a list of clients. Then sort it until you see most busy clients.

# for i in `seq 401 436`; do ssh www$i "netstat -natp | grep EST | grep apa | grep ":80 "| awk '{print \$5}' | cut -d : -f1"; done | sort | uniq -c | sort -nk1 | tail

The list shows the number of connections, and the client IP.

diff command outputs, not files

You can easily diff the output of commands instead of files. In this case hexdump prints thousands of lines, but I’m only interested in the difference:

# diff <(hexdump file1.bin) <(hexdump file2.bin)
< 0000000 6a49 b610 0000 0000 5733 7261 4465 4243
< 0000010 0000 0000 0001 0000 9006 4e0b 0b28 000f
> 0000000 6a49 b616 0000 0000 5733 7261 4465 4243
> 0000010 0000 0000 0001 0000 9006 4e11 0b28 000f

Run the hexdump in subshell using parenthesis, then redirect the output back to diff. I’m only interested in the 2 pieces that are different for each binary file:

# for i in `ls *.bin | sort -nk1.7`; do echo -n "$i: "; hexdump -C $i | grep '33 57 61 72 65 44\|4e 28 0b 0f 00' | awk '{if(NR==1) print $4;if(NR==2) print $12}' | paste - -; done | column -t 2>/dev/null
file0.bin:   1a  15
file1.bin:   19  14
file2.bin:   18  13
file3.bin:   17  12
file4.bin:   16  11
file5.bin:   15  10
file6.bin:   14  0f
file8.bin:   12  0d
file9.bin:   11  0c
file10.bin:  10  0b
file12.bin:  0e  09
file13.bin:  0d  08
file14.bin:  0f  0a
file15.bin:  0b  06
file16.bin:  0a  05
file17.bin:  09  04
file18.bin:  08  03
file19.bin:  07  02
file20.bin:  06  01
file21.bin:  05  00
file22.bin:  0c  07

find duplicate entry in sql dump

Recently, I tried to import a SQL dump created by mysqldump that somehow had a duplicate entry for a primary key. Here’s a sample of the contents:

INSERT INTO `table1` VALUES ('B97bKm',71029594,3,NULL,NULL,'2013-01-22 09:25:39'),('dZfUHQ',804776,1,NULL,NULL,'2012-09-05 16:15:23'),('hWkGsz',70198487,0,NULL,NULL,'2013-01-05 10:55:36'),('n6366s',69480146,1,NULL,NULL,'2012-
12-18 03:27:45'),('tBP6Ug',65100805,1,NULL,NULL,'2012-08-29 21:32:39'),('yfpewZ',18724906,0,NULL,NULL,'2013-03-31 17:12:58'),('UNz5qp',8392940,2,NULL,NULL,'2012-11-28 02:00:00'),('9WVpVV',71181566,0,NULL,NULL,'2013-01-25 06:15:03'),('kEP
Qu5',64972980,9,NULL,NULL,'2012-09-01 06:00:36')

It goes on for another 270,000 entries. I was able to find the duplicate value like this:

# cat /tmp/table1.sql | grep INSERT | sed -e 's/),/\n/g' | sed -e 's/VALUES /\n/' | grep -v INSERT | awk -F, '{print $2}' | sort | uniq -c | awk '{if($1>1) print;}'
    2 64590015

The primary key value 64590015 had 2 entries. I removed the spurious entry, and subsequently the SQL imported fine.