# mysqldump -uroot -p dbname tablename >tablename.sql
Vyatta create and update IP based ban lists from Spamhaus
You can use Spamhaus, or a number of other lists in a Vyatta firewall configuration. In this case we create a network group called ‘blocked’ from the Spamhaus blacklists. Then this network group can be used in firewalls to drop traffic. Use cron to update the list every day, or once a week.
#!/bin/bash # FILE: /usr/local/sbin/updateBanList.sh # AUTHOR: ForDoDone fordodone@fordodone.com # DATE: 2013-10-01 # NOTES: Script to update IP ban list. Run from cron, and integrate into firewall # # variables VERBOSE=0 DROPURL='http://www.spamhaus.org/drop/drop.txt' EDROPURL='http://www.spamhaus.org/drop/edrop.txt' # simple logger function logger(){ if [ "$VERBOSE" == "1" ] then echo "$@" fi } # set verbose flag if given if [ "$1" == "-v" ] then VERBOSE=1; fi # create or truncate tmp file >/tmp/block # get drop file wget -q $DROPURL -O - | grep ^[0-9] | sed -e 's/;.*//' >> /tmp/block if [ $? -ne 0 ] then logger "error getting drop file" logger "exiting..." exit fi # get edrop file wget -q "$EDROPURL" -O - | grep ^[0-9] | sed -e 's/;.*//' >> /tmp/block if [ $? -ne 0 ] then logger "error getting edrop file" logger "exiting..." exit fi logger "received `wc -l /tmp/block | awk '{print $1}'` networks to block..." logger "starting vyatta cmd wrapper" /opt/vyatta/sbin/vyatta-cfg-cmd-wrapper begin # remove existing list, in case a network has been removed" logger "deleting existing blocked network group" /opt/vyatta/sbin/vyatta-cfg-cmd-wrapper delete firewall group network-group blocked # add each network to the block list logger "building new blocked network group" logger "this might take a while..." for i in `cat /tmp/block`; do /opt/vyatta/sbin/vyatta-cfg-cmd-wrapper set firewall group network-group blocked network $i done; # now commit the changes logger "committing changes" /opt/vyatta/sbin/vyatta-cfg-cmd-wrapper commit logger "ending vyatta cmd wrapper" /opt/vyatta/sbin/vyatta-cfg-cmd-wrapper end # clean up rm -rf /tmp/block >/dev/null 2>&1
monitor NFS volumes inode usage
#!/bin/bash k=`df -i | grep fs[3-6]\/vol1 | awk '{if ($3 < 20000) print $5}'`; if [ "$k" != "" ]; then echo "vol $k ALMOST OUT OF INODES" | mail <verizonnumber>@vtext.com; fi;
list contents of zip file
# unzip -l /tmp/foo.zip
Archive: /tmp/foo.zip
Length Date Time Name
-------- ---------- ----- ------
10272349 2013-08-28 10:27 05.mp3
9884692 2013-08-28 10:26 08.mp3
8570210 2013-08-28 10:27 03.mp3
-------- ------
28727251 3 files
awk print range of lines
print lines 31 through 34 inclusive:
# awk 'NR==31,NR==34' share/vyatta-cfg/templates/policy/prefix-list/node.tag/rule/node.def
if [ $VAR(./le/@) -ne 32 ] && [ -n "$VAR(./ge/@)" ] && [ $VAR(./le/@) -le $VAR(./ge/@) ]; then
echo "le must be greater than or equal to ge";
exit 1 ;
fi ;
sort nested directories by last modified using find
Using ls -lt to sort a file listing by last modified time is simple and easy. If you have a large directory tree with tens of thousands of directories, using find with some massaging might be the way to go. In this example there is a directory with many directories in a tree like this:
we are interested in the 3rd level directory and getting a list of which ones were most recently modified
# find . -mindepth 3 -maxdepth 3 -ls | awk '$10 !~ /^20[01]/' | sed -e 's/:/ /' | sort -k8,8M -nk9,9n -nk10 -nk11 | awk '{print $12" "$8" "$9" "$10":"$11}'| column -t | tail -10
We start by finding only 3rd level directories with extended listings (there are no files at this level, so -type d is unnecessary). Then use awk to only print directories that have been modified this year (i.e. anything with a year like 200* or 201* instead of a hour:minute in column 10). Replace the time colon HH:MM so that we can sort by minute after we sort by hour. Then rearrange the columns, add back the hour:minute colon, run it through column to get nice columns, then get the last 10 results.
./586/1586/1311586 Sep 16 16:11
./980/6980/2326980 Sep 16 16:18
./616/3616/513616 Sep 16 16:20
./133/9133/2119133 Sep 16 16:21
./422/6422/2106422 Sep 16 16:24
./566/6566/2326566 Sep 16 16:46
./672/672/2310672 Sep 16 16:51
./680/680/2290680 Sep 16 17:42
./573/5573/2325573 Sep 16 17:47
./106/1106/2321106 Sep 16 17:49
ESXi 4.1 list NFS mounts
Get your ESXi NFS mounts at commandline:
# esxcfg-nas -l
vol001 is /vol/vol001 from mounted
vol002 is /vol/vol002 from mounted
vol003 is /vol/vol003 from mounted
connect to git host via ssh on non-standard port
Sometimes people run sshd on a non-standard port. It takes time to scan an IP block, and scanning each host for all 65,535 ports makes it take even longer. Most scanning scripts and utilities target common known open ports, like telnet, smb, and ssh. For this reason someone might opt to run sshd on a port other than 22. This is a problem if you are using git over ssh to connect to one of these repositories.
Add the follwing to your ssh config:
cat >>/home/<yourusername>/.ssh/config << EOF
Host <git server IP address>
Port <obscure sshd port number>
IdentityFile /home/<yourusername>/.ssh/id_git
get list of set environmental variables
Use printenv
# printenv
SSH_CLIENT= 60941 22
quick memcache testing and troubleshooting
Here’s a quick way to test your new memcached setup. At first it’s a bit confusing to understand that memcache has no knowledge of what keys it stores, just whether or not it has a particular key. Unlike relational databases, you can’t query memcache and get all of the values it has. You have to know the key that you want to fetch before you ask memcache about it. Let’s ask it the value for the key foo:
telnet memcacheserver 11211
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
get foo
It returns nothing, so it doesn’t have any value for that key. The key foo is unset. Let’s set it:
set foo 0 0 3
When you set a key like this, follow the syntax “set <keyname> <flag> <ttl> <storebytes>”. In this case our key is foo, we have no important flags (0), there is no expiration of the key value pair (0), and the data we are about to store is 3 bytes (aka 3 characters). Let’s fetch it now:
get foo
VALUE foo 0 3
It returns the value of key foo as bar. Now delete it:
delete foo
Now another, this time the key is “foobar”, and the data is a 12 byte string “barbarbarbar”:
set foobar 0 0 12
get foobar
VALUE foobar 0 12
delete foobar
telnet> close
Connection closed.